Storyourself Mentorship

Find your storytelling voice 

All of us need to tell a good story. For some it comes naturally, for others it takes work. This programme intensifies your development as a storyteller wherever your starting point.

You’ll work directly with me, a former TEDxtrainer and storytelling coach to leadership, professionals and vulnerable communities. Our work together puts you in touch with the stories that matter most to you, and finds you ways to tell them. 15 years of experience trained my focus on how to find a story that most moves you, and allows you to move the room.

You become more confident and fluent in how you tell, and start building a library of stories you like to tell frequently – stories that feel like you and able to change situations you want to change.

The mentorship is a collaborative exercise in finding your voice and developing as a storyteller – whatever your starting point.

The sessions take place online, but if we 

If you think this is for you sounds, book a 30 minute call with me and I’ll answer any questions you have.



As a coach, Simon is brilliant at tuning in with the person in front of him and reminding them what is truly important, for the concrete task at hand and in life generally. What I most appreciated about his coaching was learning the techniques to step into my power and perform with confidence in any work related situation.
Dr. Tanja Ahlin

Author of Calling Family', Health & Technology Anthropologist

The programme 

Six online sessions over three months (or longer as convenient)

– In person sessions of you live in Utrecht/Amsterdam area

– Intake call to define your objectives and design your programme

– Each session we’ll discuss what you’re finding. I’ll amplify with my own experience, suggest readings, set exercises and of course, tell stories.

– At the end, I’ll write you a letter reflecting on what we’ve covered, recommended steps to go forward. For your own insight, you’re most welcome to reply

– Mentees report clearer perspective on storytelling, more focused direction, greater presence in the room, confidence in telling their stories.

I offer this mentorship for 1600 + BTW. 

Mentees so far have met the cost so far through their own companies or their employee training budget. If the mentorship calls to you but you’re unable to meet the cost, instalments and bursary places are available.


I’ve previously worked with leaders and professionals at: 

Triodos Bank
Circle Economy
Rotterdam School of Management



MediaTrust UK





…to name a few.


Simon knows how to get to the essence of your message and translate it into creative copy appealing to your audience. It is a blast to work with him, quick response times and he listens very well. Simon is the absolute master in storytelling.
Clarissa Filiius

SEO specialist, Booming

Simon is our storytelling star at TEDxAmsterdam. An accomplished, captivating storyteller himself, Simon has the enviable skill of bringing the best stories out in others. With stories being at the heart of a TED(x) talks, Simon is a valuable member of the speech coaching team.
Tara Philips

Coach Co-ordinator, TEDxAmsterdam

There are few people who understand the craft of storytelling & live it in their day-to-day work. Simon is one of them & because of this his stories speak to all of us.
Paul Hughes - Growth expert, Keynote Speaker